Endre Jarraux Walls
EVP, Chief Operations & Technology Officer, Customers Bank
COVID isn’t the only malicious virus we’re facing in 2021. Cybercriminals have become emboldened with new and more deadly “ransomware” attacks. Customers Bank wants to help its clients take steps to protect against these attacks that can impose significant costs, destroy a reputation, and take down a business.
A ransomware attack uses malicious code to block access to computer systems and the data they hold. This data becomes encrypted using a key possessed only by the attacker. If anyone tries to access the restricted system or data, they will find a ransom note demanding the payment of a ransom fee in order to restore access. Most organizations are not prepared for a ransomware attack, so they feel pressured into paying expensive ransom fees and recovery costs. These ransom demands have increased drastically in recent years and now average hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Not all of the ransom attacks come from people in a dark basement. Increasingly, nation-states with sophisticated technical prowess are behind the attacks. This year ransomware has become more of an issue than ever before. The prevalence of kits that target known vulnerabilities in data-driven systems – known as “exploits” – is accelerating and simplifying cyber-attacks.
The risks to the average business are disruption, reputational harm, loss of confidential information, and the exposure of company secrets or proprietary data to the dark web. And you can’t trust the bad guys: they’ll release the data whether the ransom is paid or not. There is no honor among thieves.
Further complicating matters, there is no way to ensure that the thieves will delete the stolen information once the ransom is paid. This means there is nothing to stop the criminals from returning to demand more money.
Recently, Krebs on Security published an article about ransomware gangs now turning to Facebook to hack accounts and place public ads to shame businesses and pressure victims into paying the ransom. This latest tactic is sure to become more prevalent as it exposes a brand to public perception to entice the victims into making the extortion payments.
We have all heard that wise quote from Benjamin Franklin: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This is truer today in cyberspace than it was in Ben’s day. While prevention is not inexpensive, preventing the damage that ransomware can do to your business will still save millions in lost business, lawsuits from data breaches, not paying a ransom, not hiring media consultants, and not spending years rebuilding your brand.
Here at Customers Bank, we take security seriously, not because we are federally required to but because it makes good business sense. Regardless of your organization’s size or complexity you should follow these simple rules to contain the risk malware presents to your organization.
We cannot stress this enough – security is a company-wide concern, not a technical one. Every employee must be onboarded to understand their part in keeping an organization’s data and customers safe and secure. Security awareness training, internal discussion groups, preparedness exercises, and implementing a least-privilege or zero access program for role-based access are your organization’s greatest defense to malware.
Security is easy when everyone is a part. Stay vigilant.